Thursday, October 8, 2009


We made DON BUTLER the BEST Bartender in B-Ham!

Best of Bellingham

Readers rate their favorite haunts, hideouts and hungers

Best Bartender: Don Butler at the Beaver Inn

I dunno. I always find Don a bit gruff, but maybe that’s what readers like in their bartenders, especially during these hard times: Mix ‘em mean, pour ‘em plenty, and leave us to knock ‘em back without a lot of chit-chat. I’ve seen Don expertly mix a few girlish frou-frous, too, then step back and study how they’re consumed with an expression most droll.


Lynn said...

woo hoo! better lovers can do anything!

Nicole Kristine said...

I have never been so happy in my life. Did he get a prize? Should we give him a prize?