Monday, December 8, 2008

I finished school today.

I keep wanting to say I graduated today, but I don't know if that is true? When is the actual moment you graduate? Is it when you turn in your exam? When you get your grades? When your diploma arrives in the mail? I know it isn't when you walk, because tons of people don't walk when they graduate. Anyhoo, this is really bothering me, because I think it might have been when I turned in my test, and if that's the case I wasn't even thinking about it and I totally missed the moment, and it will never come again...

All to say, I would like to have toast to graduation (all peoples, future and pasts) at the next BL meeting.

Maybe we can all wear hats and throw them in the air? Or we can wear robes, or snuggies!


Carolyn said...

I will have my cap and gown ready to wear.

Nicole Kristine said...

I also have my cap and gown AND diploma. I will be sure to bring them.

Nice job, Krafty.

KJW said...

Now that you're a graduate, you can be in on The Graduate Secret: underwear is a scam. You don't need to wear it! Ever! Also, eating brown sugar out of the bag is healthy healthy healthy.