What does he have to offer, you ask?
-Chest hair, massive amounts (not glued on with rubber cement), enough to share
-A Whip
-Willingness to make out with unfortunate, manly women
-Has good sex/singing-really-high-pitched face
On behalf of drunk women everywhere who've made out with asshole fighter pilots and hairy Harrison Ford wannabes, please consider my candidate.
As IndyCOOL says in The Last Crusade -
"[The world is] too small for two of us."
I am Cross Fire! and I approve this message.
P.S. - Congratulations Kris. I'm glad to know my gifted big pencil is helping you ace tests and BL elections. Woot woot.
Nation, I would like you to know that Indy voted against funding programs that give food to homeless babies.
Don't put him in office.
A vote for Indy is a vote for starving babies.
OOOOOO I see you edited your post!!! You're secret desire to have Mr. Hairy whip man as BL for November is out though!!! I saw it with mine own eyes!!!
I wrote the post originally trying to run against Nicole, who I thought was campaigning for November. It felt foolish to run against Nicole for november when You'd already one, so I thought I'd unseat you. Turns out UnCool was running for December, which still gave my guy a shot. You see? Politics are full of mind changers and deceitful blog posts.
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